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Jan 19 2018

Milestone Enhances Local Events Publishing Platform with New Channels & Third-Party Site Compatibility

Milestone's Local Events can now push events to Facebook Local and Eventbrite and can be deployed on non-Milestone CMS websites.

Santa Clara, CA | January 19 2018. Digital Marketing software vendor Milestone Inc has launched new features for its local events publishing platform. The events platform, part of Milestone's Digital Presence Cloud, allows businesses to add local events to their website manually, or by accepting events from nearby locations - automatically. "Milestone's events management platform provides massive SEO boosts to businesses," said Sathya Krishnamurthy, Milestone VP of Products. "A business in Chicago could accept Chicago Cubs games and instantly add 81 locally-relevant pages to their website," continued Mr. Krishnamurthy. Milestone events wraps each deployed event in schemas and publishes each one on an individual page, creating exceptional SEO opportunities for location-based businesses.

Until now this capability has only been available to users of Milestone's CMS platform, but Milestone is expanding the platform by allowing customers to leverage Milestone's local events capabilities non-Milestone CMS websites as well as by adding new social channels. The expanded social networks supported and the ability to be deployed on non-Milestone websites means that now any location-based business can deploy the same type of SEO-boosting technology used by Online Travel Agent (OTA) websites.

Milestone's platform continues to provide the premier means of publishing local events to a company's website through the close integration between Milestone Local and Milestone CMS, Milestone's award-winning products. Events published through Milestone's platform are wrapped in schemas, making them easily discoverable by search-engines and creating fresh content - a high ranking factor for websites that are looking to drive organic traffic. Milestone's local events discovery and publishing platform provides many unique and valuable features:
  • Can be quickly deployed on any website - even if it's not hosted on Milestone's CMS platform
  • Discover local events within a specific radius of your business location
  • Import local events for publishing to multiple networks including Facebook Local, and Eventbrite
  • Add custom local events or events happening at your business location
  • Publish local events as individual URLs on your website - boosting fresh content
  • Local events are published wrapped in Schemas to make discovery by search engines easier and more seamless
  • Create list or calendar views on your website of all local events
  • Accept events manually or through automation

The expanded capabilities of Milestone's local events platform are available to all clients effective immediately. Contact Milestone for more information at (408) 200-2211 or by contacting sales at

About Milestone Inc

Milestone offers innovative digital marketing strategies for businesses and hotels around the world. Milestone drives revenue directly to businesses with innovative proprietary software and tailored support. Milestone focuses on increasing businesses' digital presence, growing your customer base by allowing searchers to easily find your business and book direct. Learn more about Milestone software and services by contacting Walter Paliska,, or visiting


Milestone Enhances Local Events Publishing Platform with New Channels & Third-Party Site Compatibility
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