Online Videos – How Old Media,
New Technology Is Driving Search!

Why do we need to make our video searchable? Yes, the same old videos that we have been using for ages! Having a video is no longer useful unless it is created with search engine optimization in mind. According to emarketer, Online Videos are considered the third most effective online advertising media by US advertising executives today.

Why Make Your Video Searchable?

It is important to understand why you should make your video searchable. Simple reason - there are tens of millions of clips and videos created daily on latest news, advertisement, seminars, conferences, events and many other reasons. It is crucial today to make sure that there is an easy way to search for these videos. Video search has become more complicated today than ever before. In our opinion, there are 3 main reasons why video search is gaining market share. [more]

  Milestone Internet Marketing, Inc. Wins Web Marketing Association’s Excellence Award
  Milestone Becomes Corporate Friend of Cornell Center for Hospitality Research
  Milestone's Top 10 Electronic Marketing Musts
  Internet Marketing Can Revitalize Floundering Hotels
  Are You Blogging Yet? Blogging for Lodging
  2007–Internet Marketing Must Do’s and Web 2.0 for the Adventurous

  Effective Email Marketing
  Milestone’s Top 10 SEO Tips
  How to secure higher ranking on Search Engines -
Top 10 Tips
  The Power of Local Markets
  Are You Social Networking?
  Are you driving a fast car with no wheels?
  Hits On The Web, Put Heads In Beds!

  The Lodging Conference - Sept 25-28
  Best Western Annual Conference - Oct 14-17
  IHG Annual Conference - Oct 22-24
  The IHMRS Conference - Nov 10-13
  OHLA - Nov 19

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Milestone Becomes Corporate Friend of Cornell Center for Hospitality Research
Milestone is pleased to announce that we have become a Corporate Friend of the Cornell Center for Hospitality Research.  [more]

Top 10 Things to Consider Before You Budget for Internet Marketing

Capturing Your Fair Share in the Online Arena
Experts are projecting that 60% of all business will be booked online next year. [more]

Online Review: Why Should You Care?
When you travel, how do you determine where you stay? [more]

Does Pay-Per-Click affects Organic Ranking?
One of the questions our clients often ask is whether conducting pay-per-click advertising will impact their organic rankings? [more]

Google Announces Mobile Ad Network Expansion
Google, the online search leader, is expanding the number of advertisements it delivers to mobile devices. [more]

Milestone Internet Marketing, Inc. Wins Web Marketing Association’s Excellence Award
Grand Velas Resort Website ( won the Web Marketing Association’s 2007 International WebAward for Standard of Excellence in the Hotel and Lodging industry. [more]

Milestone Internet Marketing, Inc. is a full-service internet marketing solutions provider and an educator for the travel and hospitality industry. We provide solutions for developing powerful internet presence and driving revenue on the internet. Our portfolio of services include developing and promoting independent and websites, blogs, podcasts, RSS, email marketing, etc. We currently work with over 500 hotels nationwide and are a preferred vendor for several major lodging brands. Milestone is also a leading internet marketing educator for the lodging industry and offers its popular and widely acclaimed internet marketing training workshop and book – Hotels to HTMLs for several lodging associations, brands, and management groups.
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