For the lodging industry, 2010 was a year of recovery as the US economy showed signs of relief. As 2011 kicks off, we find that internet marketing is an even more important part of the overall marketing portfolio of our hotels. One major shift in 2010 was the significant gain in popularity of social media channels, and we find that social media has firmly positioned itself in the tool chest for ecommerce managers and internet marketers. The smart hotelier needs to keep laser sharp focus on the fundamental shift in ways customers are seeking information and channels that drive maximum Return on Investment (ROI). Here are Milestone’s top ten eCommerce promotion ideas, channels, and strategies that we recommend to hoteliers in 2011. These tips and insights are based on carefully analyzing trends in the search engines and channels that are driving maximum returns for Milestone’s clients and partners. [more]
Graviti ™ Social Media Optimization - cutting-edge social media optimization product targeted at the hospitality and travel industries. Graviti™ includes state-of-the-art set-up, promotion, and tracking of social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, etc. These services are aimed at enhancing social media presence for hotels resulting in stronger branding, deeper customer relationships, and incremental revenue generation.

GravitiTM – Social Media Optimization for hotels.
Sign up by March 31st, 2011 and get $225 off the setup fee. [more] |
Online Video Trending Tools
The power of online video is growing and the reach it provides hotels is invaluable. Understand the current trending tools to help determine what appeals to your guests. [more] |