 Social media is having a larger impact on organic SEO factors on a daily basis. Both Bing and Google have recently taken steps to increase the influence a user’s friends have on the search results she sees when browsing the web. Taking some simple steps can help to ensure that you stay relevant to the search engines... more
 Facebook PPC campaigns can be a very cost effective way to drive traffic to a business Facebook page or website. There are distinct differences between Facebook and Google ads that are critical to the success of a PPC campaign... more
 HTML5 continues to evolve as the next web standard for site content and functionality morphing out of today’s 10+ year old HTML4.01. HTML5 has numerous technical enhancements and improved features for programmers, but it’s important for online marketers to understand why HTML5 matters to SEO efforts and some of its drawbacks... more
 A recent NY Times article discussed the black hat SEO activities conducted by retailer J.C. Penney, their short-term reward, and the enduring consequences. Working with link farms can have a quick short-term positive effect on your search engine rankings, but the long term results often outweigh the immediate benefit... more
 Search Engines support micro formats in local and SEO search. Deploying micro formats can help in SEO and Local search results and rankings... more
 Ad Sitelinks is a feature for paid listing ads that let you include up to 4 additional links to deeper content on your site beyond the main landing page. With Sitelinks you automatically extend the value of your AdWords ad by showcasing additional targeted and relevant links for users... more
 It should no longer be a question of whether or not hospitality clients should have a mobile presence. Rather, hotels and resorts should be focusing on ways to enhance their mobile presence in order to capitalize on the rapidly growing searches that are done on mobile devices. One of the fastest and most effective ways to generate mobile traffic is by running a mobile paid search campaign... more
 Google’s latest algorithm update known as the “panda” penalized a lot of low quality and shallow content sites. According to Matt Cutts, Google’s main focus is making content farms and low quality content sites less visible in search results. The good news for Milestone clients? Google is helping original content rank higher and Milestone Internet Marketing ensures the content on our sites is unique and original... more