Are You Blogging Yet?
Blogging for Lodging
Blogs are the hottest growing medium of communication for businesses and individuals. Based on Technorati research (blog search engine), there are almost 3 million blogs created every month, over 175,000 new blogs every day, and bloggers create over 1.6 million posts per day, or over 18 updates a second! [more]
e-Reach Email Marketing Tool
Email marketing is one of the most effective communication and promotion vehicles in the internet marketplace, and is a revolutionary way to increase sales and profits. Here are the key reasons clients select Milestone’s email marketing tool:
• Delivery of messages
• High quality designs
• Custom Content
• Flexible model
• Tracking and reporting tool ! [more] |

CLIA: Hotels to HTMLs Workshop, Apr 23,
San Francisco, CA |
Revenue Management for Hospitality, IQPC, Apr 30,
Austin, TX |
Choice Hotels Annual Convention, May 9-11, Orlando, FL |
Hitec 2007, June 25-28, Orlando, FL |
Milestone’s top 10 is a reader favorite. In this issue, we will cover the top 10 SEO tips.

Top 10 SEO Tips
1. Research your keyword phrases extensively. The phrases that people are typing in the search engines may be different from those that you think they are searching for. To find the optimal phrases to optimize for, use research tools such as Keyword Discovery, Wordtracker, Google AdWords, and Yahoo Search Marketing data. [more] |
The internet has had a profound impact on the travel and hospitality industries. [more]
Recently W Hotels conducted a case study to see how many visitors of their site found them through a third-party travel website. [more]
TripAdvisor Adds
Video to Hotel
Reviews [more] |
Search Engines Can
Read Images! [more] |
Milestone Internet Marketing, Inc. is a full-service internet marketing solutions provider and an educator for the travel and hospitality industry. We provide solutions for developing powerful internet presence and driving revenue on the internet. Our portfolio of services include developing and promoting independent and brand.com websites, blogs, podcasts, RSS, email marketing, etc. We currently work with over 500 hotels nationwide and are a preferred vendor for several major lodging brands. Milestone is also a leading internet marketing educator for the lodging industry and offers its popular and widely acclaimed internet marketing training workshop and book – Hotels to HTMLs for several lodging associations, brands, and management groups. www.milestoneinternet.com. |